

汽车 repairs cost drivers $1,118 per year on average, but some can be done at home.

So why not save a few bucks 和 help retain the resale or trade-in value of your car? 发动机定期保养胎压调整 能帮助降低燃料成本吗. 虽然大多数汽车维修应该留给专家, 这里有一个清单,通常是自己做的.


Every six to 12 months is optimal depending on how often they're used. If they leave streaks, make noise or are hard 和 cracked, it may be time to install a fresh set. 查看WikiHow 学习如何, 和 consult your car's user manual for more information about what type of wipers to buy.


如果它们不是太大,补色套件可能是一个不错的选择. 一定要按照说明去做,以获得最好的效果. 大众机械有详细的说明 如何修复汽车油漆划痕.


Tires are your 车辆's contact patch with the ground, 和 they must be 保持良好状态 with proper inflation for the safe 和 economical operation of your 车辆. Here are a few simple checks you can perform to help keep your tires from letting you down.

  • It's a good idea to visually inspect the tires on your 车辆 on a monthly basis at minimum. This inspection should note tread depth (in most states less than 2/32 of tread depth is illegal), if the tire is unevenly worn (indicating a potential suspension alignment issue) or if the tire is cracked, 损坏或变质. If any of these conditions are found, you should consult your local tire professional.
  • For the correct inflation specification, reference the inflation placard. It's usually located in the 车辆's driver's door jamb area of the 车辆 or can be found in the 车辆 owner's manual.
  • Now that you know the correct inflation specification for the tires on your 车辆, it's time to 检查充气压力. Inflation should be checked, if possible, in the morning before the car is driven. 胎压会因许多因素而改变, 其中之一是环境空气温度的变化. 环境温度每变化10度, tire pressure can increase (if temperature rises) or decrease (if the temperature falls) by 1 psi.


一些 挡风玻璃修理 都在pp王者电子官网范围内. If your windshield has a small chip with minimal to no cracks 和 you want to fix it yourself, 修理工具可能是一个选择. They generally come with all the materials you need 和 take about an hour to complete. 虽然修复所有芯片是不可能的, you may be able to stop it from growing larger or discoloring in the future. 《pg电子官方网页版》讨论了 损害类型 这些套件推荐用于.


One of the best ways to maintain your car's exterior is to remove dirt 和 residue that can damage the finish. It also provides a close-up look at scratches, chips 和 dings you may not normally notice.

  • Wash the car with a cleaning solution designed for automotive finishes. 用超细纤维手套从上往下清洗. Clean tires with a separate bucket of soap 和 water so you don't get any grease 和 grime on the rest of your car.
  • Inspect the paint for any gunk such as bird droppings, tree sap or pollen. If these contaminants are above the surface, a clay bar designed for car care may help remove them.
  • 用新毛巾彻底擦干. Soft, absorbent waffle-weave microfiber drying towels are a great option. 涂汽车蜡. 有几个品种, but a liquid or paste wax applied every three months will help protect 和 maintain your car's exterior.


Keeping your headlights clean will improve your car's looks 和 keep you safer on the road. Like brushing your teeth, a little toothbrush 和 elbow grease will brighten things up. 清洁前灯:

  • 用胶带把前灯周围的区域粘起来,以保护你的油漆.
  • Apply a little dab of toothpaste on a damp cleaning cloth 和 rub the toothpaste firmly into the headlight. Add more toothpaste 和 water as needed for about five minutes per headlight.
  • 用清水冲洗掉牙膏.
  • 涂汽车蜡 to your headlight after allowing the headlights to dry.


The light bulbs in the interior 和 trunk are often easy to replace. 来取代它们, you'll need to remove the cover by inserting a screwdriver into the slot on the molding 和 gently wiggle the cover free. After the cover is removed, you can safely remove 和 replace the old light bulb. 别忘了把盖子盖上.

准备好处理更多? 你可以通过自己处理更大的任务来节省更多的钱. 你的第一步是制定一个汽车保养计划. 一旦你制定了时间表, you can dive in to bigger repairs such as changing your car's oil 和 oil filter or 更换汽车蓄电池 在你被困住之前 启动你的车. 看看 更多汽车保养小贴士 帮你省钱,保证你的安全.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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On the road or in the garage, t在这里 are simple things you can do to maintain your car.


防晒对于保持你的车的船型很重要. 下面是如何做到这一点.


Consider the following information on how to h和le 车辆 safety recalls.


On the road or in the garage, t在这里 are simple things you can do to maintain your car.