

摩托车 riding gear is specifically designed to keep your head and body safe when riding.

摩托车装备是专门设计的,以适应多层, 提供最好的保护,尽量减少天气因素造成的伤害, 路的碎片, 噪音,最重要的是, 事故. 无论你是周末骑车还是每天上下班, 戴上安全的摩托车装备应该是首要任务. 希望你有 安全骑行日 而且不必亲自测试你的骑行装备对你的保护效果. 而成本, 时尚和舒适可能会影响你的骑行装备, 从头到脚的安全应该是重中之重. 



头盔有各种款式、形状和颜色可供选择. 无论是全脸、敞脸甚至是混合型,都要根据 国家公路交通安全管理局, in 2017 “Helmets are estimated to be 37% effective in preventing fatalities to motorcycle riders and 41% for motorcycle passengers.根据NHTSA的说法, “wearing a helmet is the single most effective way to protect yourself from a head injury”. 头盔还可以防止风、太阳、虫子和道路碎片. Make sure the helmet passes the safety requirements and standards of the DOT (Department of Transportation).

Full-face helmets can offer more protection overall and generally, cover the need for eye protection. 不管摩托车头盔的式样如何, it is essential to make sure the fit and feel of the protection liner is right for you. 学习如何 找到合适的摩托车头盔.



保护是内置在一个全面头盔, 但如果你穿的是另一种风格, 你可能想要一套摩托车护目镜——即使你戴着眼镜. 摩托车 eyewear not only protects you from 碎片, but also insects that can fly into your eyes. 它应该提供紫外线防护,并由防碎材料制成. Make sure your chosen eye protection fits snuggly and works with your helmet. 如果你选择戴摩托车太阳镜, a pair with padding around the sides can be helpful to shield air and 碎片 from your eyes.


A motorcycle jacket may make a fashion statement but it’s also another key piece of protective riding gear. 由耐磨材料制成,如皮革和/或纺织品, 一件耐风雨的摩托车夹克可以防雨, 污垢, 碎片, 最重要的是, 发生撞车事故时的人行道. 摩托车 jackets are made with a smooth surface to help prevent getting caught on pavement.

Some jackets also have “pockets” for armor and materials typically associated with bulletproof vests. T在这里 are also other types of harder plastic armor to provide an additional level of protection. These motorcycle jackets with armor are a popular option for riders because the armor typically covers the joints and along the spine to provide some protection to vital areas in a slide during a crash. 还要检查一下后面的头发是否剪长了一点, so that it covers your lower back when you lean forward on your motorcycle. 脖子和手腕上应该有绷带.

因为很多人都是在温暖的月份骑马, a motorcycle jacket will also need ventilation options such as zipped vents, 穿孔或网眼面板,使骑行更舒适.

Also, consider the color of the motorcycle jacket to help ensure you will be 被其他司机看到. 有些夹克会内置反光材料, 如果夹克颜色较深,哪个会很有帮助.


摩托车 gloves are often overlooked when riders pick out their protective riding gear. 摩托车手套不仅可以保护你的手和手腕免受虫子的侵害, 碎片和天气, 但它们也能防止路疹和皲裂. 因为它们是由皮革和合成材料制成的, 手套也有助于在车把上提供更好的抓地力.

就像带盔甲的摩托车夹克, motorcycle gloves include options with armored areas to help protect your hands and fingers in a crash. 考虑使用能保护指关节的手套, 手掌和手腕将允许灵活性和抓地力控制. 此外,更厚,更绝缘的一双可能需要在寒冷的天气骑行.


不管你是穿骑行裤还是皮裤, motorcycle pants may help protect your legs from the rigors of the road and road rash in the event of a crash. Like jackets, motorcycle pants are made from leather or synthetic materials. Some motorcycle pants are designed to fit over your regular clothes and others are styled so they can be worn on their own.

越来越多, motorcycle protective gear takes advantage of the use of stronger materials often associated with bulletproof vests. 这包括摩托车裤和牛仔裤. 摩托车 pants include designs that offer armor at the knee and hip joints as well as slide protection.


摩托车 boots are also sometimes overlooked in favor of more stylish footwear. 然而, motorcycle boots help protect your feet and ankles from hot exhaust pipes and in case of a crash.

A good pair of motorcycle boots need to be flexible enough to allow you to shift gears, 与后方接合 刹车 并提供稳定性,以保护你的脚不受路面的影响. 合适的靴子, 应该盖住脚踝, have low heels and non-skid soles to provide maximum grip on the pavement and pegs.


  • 〇雨具 紧凑和舒适,雨具应该很容易穿戴和脱下. 设计适合你的摩托车齿轮, this rain gear is typically light in color to make you visible to motorists while protecting you from the elements.
  • 〇寒冷天气装备 If you live in colder climates, you know how the temperatures can change quickly. You can start with thermal underwear and expand to insulated versions of your standard motorcycle gear.
  • 服务- - - - - -  通常由耐用的塑料制成, motorcycle saddlebags are designed to keep your equipment and gear safe from the elements and crashes.


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比如你的防护装备,a 州立农场代理 can help protect your motorcycle against theft, damage, floods and crashes.


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Do your research and know what's different when it comes to safety while you have a passenger on your bike.




From riding tips to motorcycle awareness, you can help make the road safer with these habits.


防抱死刹车不仅仅适用于汽车. Find out how this braking technology may help save you from losing control of your bike.