


了解一些宠物友好的植物, 也要避开有毒的室内植物, 帮助你的猫和狗快乐和健康.

没有什么比被户外美景包围更美妙的了, 所以你可以考虑添加一些植物作为你家庭生活的一部分. While plants are a great addition to any space, you may want to keep your cat or dog in mind. 宠物安全屋的植物对保护你的小狗或小猫很重要, 尤其是当你不在家的时候.


宠物的安全 当你是宠物主人时,最重要的是什么. 这可能包括 防止宠物进入你的家 所以你的小狗或小猫不会吃他们不应该吃的东西. 当你选择你的家庭在整个季节, 当涉及到你的宠物时,要注意哪些叶子应该保留,哪些应该避免.

A pet friendly home not only includes the proper pet care items but also provides a safe space that's free of items that can cause your pets harm. 你想让你的宠物自由地享受他们的家和花园,没有任何担心. 宠物安全屋植物 are an important design factor to consider when you have pets.

Here are some non-toxic and pet safe plants to consider the next time you decorate your space:

  • 吊兰. A great beginner plant that's a pet safe option for your dog or cat to include in your décor. 也, 这种植物维护成本低,可以用来装饰货架, 书柜或挂在走廊.
  • 祈祷植物. 如果你想给你的家添加一个大胆的图案, the prayer plant may be a great addition and can help add enrichment to your space.
  • 小马辫棕榈. This pint-sized plant may be a great addition to a smaller space and can thrive indoors.
  • 鹿角蕨. This functional and unique plant may help add some decoration to an empty wall.
  • 植物蜡. A unique house plant that may help clean your air and is also non-toxic to dogs and cats.


就像注意你的猫和狗的宠物安全植物一样重要, it's also beneficial to be aware of plants that can be toxic to your puppy or kitten. Toxic house plants may come in all shapes and sizes, some of which you may not expect. 自然, 这取决于你养的是狗还是猫, 当谈到毒性时,你可能会关心不同的植物.


  • 百合. A seasonal favorite in spring, lilies are toxic when they're ingested by your pets. 例如, your pet may show a variety of severe signs ranging from everything to kidney damage, 肾功能衰竭甚至死亡. 考虑另一种宠物安全屋植物,比如非洲菊、雏菊或矮牵牛花.
  • 西米棕榈. 虽然 this plant can be great for air quality, it can be harmful if ingested by your pet. 也, it may be more popular in warmer climates and often can be spotted as décor in the yard. 注意西米棕榈,避免把它放在家里. This toxic and attractive plant may attract kittens and puppies with its foliage. All parts are toxic to all cats and dogs, including the leaves, roots and seeds.
  • 郁金香. While this flower is beautiful, it can cause harm if ingested by your cat or dog. The bulb in a tulip can be highly toxic and can cause kidney damage as well as other issues.
  • 水仙花. 这种植物往往是一个受欢迎的选择,包括在花束, but you may want to skip it the next time you reach for the vase if you have a dog or a cat in your home. 这种植物会导致所有宠物呕吐、腹泻、高血压和流口水.
  • 毛地黄. 这种引人注目的植物可能很好看, 但它会对宠物的心脏造成伤害. 毛地黄植物的所有部分都有毒,甚至花瓶里的水也有毒.
  • 芦荟精华素. 虽然 芦荟精华素 may have many medical uses for humans, it's not a pet safe option for your home. In fact, it may cause vomiting or diarrhea if your cat or dog ingests this plant.
  • 夹竹桃. This popular garden plant can have a severe reaction in cats and dogs including dehydration, 冲击, 嗜睡, 癫痫和震颤.
  • 愚蠢的甘蔗. 虽然这种热带室内植物可能很受欢迎, 它会导致包括肿胀在内的一系列医疗问题, 流口水和呕吐.


Any type of foreign body ingestion is not to be taken lightly when it comes to your cat or dog. 也, depending on the size or type of the plant, your pet's reaction may differ. If you believe your pet has ingested a plant, please seek the medical care of your veterinarian.

一些 宠物可能会有轻微到严重的反应 对有毒植物的摄入如:

  • 刺激
  • 肿胀
  • 恶心想吐
  • 呕吐
  • 腹泻
  • 弱点
  • 呼吸困难
  • 崩溃
  • 震动
  • 肾脏损害
  • 肝损伤

如果你认为你的宠物可能摄入了 有毒的植物,寻求兽医的医疗护理是很重要的.


What you may think is a safe option may mean something else to your cat or dog. 如果你不确定哪些植物对宠物友好,那就调查一下. 考虑和家庭园艺专家谈谈, as they may help you find a plant similar in style or color that won't harm your puppy or kitten.

Before you plan to bring home any new plants or do any gardening, talk with your veterinarian. Their guidance and expertise can help you pick pet safe options that are approved for your dog or cat.


Not only are plants beautiful to look at, but they can add benefits for you and your pets. 植物可以帮助减轻压力,净化空气,使人和宠物平静下来.

如果你正在寻找另一种方式来娱乐你的狗或猫, 你可以考虑加些草药. 一些 herbs and plants can help provide stimulation, enrichment and nutrients to your pet's day. 例如, items like wheatgrass may help provide health benefits to your cat.


作为一个 负责任的宠物主人 是为意想不到的事情做准备吗. 当然,没有宠物主人愿意承受生病的狗或猫带来的压力. Whether you have a puppy, kitten or an adult cat or dog, it's helpful to consider your 宠物医疗pp王者电子官网 当涉及到帮助你的宠物快乐和健康的选择.

无论你选择装饰一个房间还是整个家, 宠物友好的室内植物可以为整个家庭提供健康. 通过调查, talking with your veterinarian and considering your pet's needs when you plan your space, 你的狗或猫可以在一个更安全的家庭环境中休息.

发现如何 宠物pp王者电子官网政策 能陪伴你的宠物一生吗.

条款和条件确实适用. 我们喜欢明智的决定. 请参阅Trupanion 政策 有关全面pp王者电子官网详情.

Pet insurance products are underwritten in the United 状态s by American 宠物pp王者电子官网 Company and ZPIC pp王者电子官网 Company, 6100 - 4号大街. 西雅图,华盛顿州98108. 由Trupanion Managers USA, Inc .管理. (CA license编号. 0g22803, NPN 9588590). 条款和条件适用,见 完整的政策 详情请访问Trupanion网站.

州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司, 其子公司及附属公司, 既不提供也不承担宠物pp王者电子官网产品的财务责任. 状态 Farm is a separate entity and is not affiliated with Trupanion or American 宠物pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and 其子公司及附属公司). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







如果你看看你的空间, you will likely find household items dangerous for dogs and things toxic to cats. 在你的宠物陷入麻烦之前,请遵循以下建议来保护它们.




没有宠物主人想要生病的宠物或意想不到的账单带来的压力. 幸运的是,宠物医疗pp王者电子官网可以帮助解决这些意外费用.


Here are ways to keep your dog, cat, bird and more safe while you drive or are at home.