Tsunami evacuation route sign.

Tsunami safety tips

通过事先准备和采取安全预防措施来保护自己和家人, during and after a tsunami.

What causes a tsunami

海啸是一种自然灾害,通常是由 earthquakes beneath the sea floor. As deep-sea waves created by the quake approach land, 较浅的水域留给海浪能量分散的空间更小. As a result, the waters rise, sometimes as waves as high as 100 feet, but more often as a powerful, fast-moving flood with strong currents.

Tsunamis can result from local or distant events. 局部海啸可能会非常迅速地移动. 海啸对沿海地区来说是极其危险的,可能是由海洋中的重大山体滑坡引起的.

Where do tsunamis occur?

According to USGS.gov与世界上其他国家相比,美国的海啸事件并不常见. 尽管如此,最近在其他地方发生的海啸已经显示出它们可能造成的破坏.

这使得人们重新关注美国沿海地区的海啸安全问题. If you live along the Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf or Caribbean coasts, 下面的提示可以帮助你更多地了解海啸的风险,并帮助你的家人做好准备,在海啸发生时迅速采取行动.

How to prepare for a tsunami

海啸可能发生得很快,所以现在适当的计划可以节省以后宝贵的时间. Here are some tips.

  • Create a plan. 在海啸发生之前,制定一份应急预案来确保家人的安全 disaster preparedness 计划包括灾难救生包和紧急疏散计划. 海啸疏散计划应确定高于海平面100英尺或内陆两英里的避难所和/或安全区.
  • Move to higher ground. 如果你在海岸线附近,感觉到强烈的地震,立即疏散到较高的地方. 海啸的其他直接预警信号包括海水远离海岸和大海的咆哮声.
  • Listen to advisories. The National Weather Service provides a Tsunami Warning System that warns of advisories and watches. 海啸监测意味着海啸尚未得到证实, 但地震或其他事件使其成为可能. When a tsunami watch is in effect, 考虑使用电池供电的收音机来获取最新信息.
  • Evacuate when a warning is given. A tsunami warning means that a tsunami is on its way. Evacuate immediately to higher ground or inland areas. 不要去沿海地区观察海啸,不管它们的高度如何. If it is too late to evacuate, 尽快到坚固的建筑物的上层或你能到达的最高的地方去.

What to do during a tsunami


  • You feel the earth trembling. When the earthquake hits, drop and take cover. If you are inside, get under a table and hold on. 如果你在室外,可以到达一个没有可能砸到你的东西的地方, drop to the ground, and cover your neck.
  • You are in a boat. 尽可能快地到更深的水域去.
  • You are caught in the water. Grab onto something that floats and hold on.
  • You are outside of the tsunami zone. Stay there until officials give the "all clear."

After a tsunami

Knowing how to deal with the aftermath of a tsunami is important. 在最初的地震和早期的波浪之后可能会有额外的剧烈活动, 因此,在海啸威胁完全过去之前,请保持在较高的海拔. 当地官员将在适当的时候发布“安全警报”.

一旦发出“安全警报”,请使用“谨慎”或“寻找” professional help when returning to your home. Upon returning, try to:

  • Inspect damage. Make note of any visible damage carefully. 注意并小心所有可见的和潜在的危险,包括带电电线, electrical shorts and gas or sewage leaks.
  • Check your water supplies. 在你被告知供水是安全的之前,使用你的应急水或煮沸自来水.
  • Check food supplies. 接触过洪水的食物可能受到污染,应丢弃.

Ready.gov provides additional information on pre-planning and preparing for natural disasters.

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