Mature woman using a laptop to work on her digital 遗产规划 and having lunch on a couch.


随着技术的不断发展, it's vital to understand what happens to your online accounts when you can no longer manage them or pass away.


现在你生活的大部分都是数字化的, so it's important to be prepared for the day when you're no longer able to manage all that digital information. 无论是生病还是死亡, 如果你不为你的数字财产做准备, your beneficiaries or family may face challenges when trying to access digital assets. These challenges may arise from protected passwords, laws or regulations.


Digital assets are simply files that are stored electronically. Often people store their digital assets on a computer or a mobile device, but they can also be stored online so they're easily accessible by a number of different devices.


  • 网上银行账户
  • 联系人列表
  • 电子邮件帐户
  • 社交媒体账户
  • 图片存储/库
  • 数字音乐/电影/书籍
  • 云存储
  • Cryptocurrency
  • 旅行账户——航空里程和酒店积分


The first step in creating a digital 遗产规划 is to make a list of digital assets.

Even though a number of your digital assets don't have any monetary value, it's always a good idea to keep track of everything just in case something were to happen. 一定要包括用户名, and passwords used to access each one so whoever takes over the management of your digital assets is able to access them easily, but don't forget to store it in a safe place when you're done.


现在你已经创建了你的列表, the next step is to decide who should have access to each of your assets. 对于某些资产, 比如网上银行账户, it's a good idea to assign someone who is financially competent. 其他资产, 比如数码照片集, 您可能希望允许您的家人或朋友访问. 即使是您想要删除的资产, it's still a good idea to assign those to someone so they're able to fulfill your wishes to delete those online assets if you're unable to do so.


Appointing a digital executor will help make sure your digital assets are handled the way you choose. It's important to appoint a digital executor and understand what assets can be passed along through 一个将 以及那些不可转让的. You may want to leave the executor specific instructions on how you want your digital assets to be handled following your death.

你可以指定任何人作为你的数字遗嘱执行人, but a lawyer or friend may help ease the burden on your family. It's a good idea to designate the digital executor in your will because a digital executor isn't a legally binding or enforceable designation.


一次, 你已经创建了你的清单, 分配了你所有的资产并选择了一个数字遗嘱执行人, the last thing you'll need to do is make it a legally binding document. You should keep your digital 遗产规划 separate from your will to keep strangers from having access to your usernames and passwords. In addition, keeping it separate will allow you to update your list as often as needed. 将其形式化, 但还是要分开, you can make a note of it in your will or add it as a codicil to your will. 您的数字遗产计划应该存储在一个安全的地方, 比如找律师, 在线存储平台或安全文件柜. 无论你选择什么, make sure the people managing your estate have instructions on how to get your plan.


More states are allowing online 遗产规划ning and robo-advisors through the 电子遗嘱法. You should check your state's estate laws to see if it is currently legal to store your will digitally. 如果你决定把遗嘱存起来, make sure a trusted advisor is aware of the location and has access to it. 你可以了解更多的不同 遗嘱和信托的类型 并学习如何 立遗嘱 or 遗产规划.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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基本遗嘱和基本遗嘱有什么区别, 淋在将, 节税将, 生活信任等等? Learn more about wills and trusts in this informative article.


Marriage, death and divorce are definite times you should review your 遗产规划. 这里还有一些其他的.


This handy 遗产规划ning checklist form can provide thought-starters for tasks involved with planning your estate.


A will is a legal document that establishes who will receive your assets from your estate and can appoint guardianship of minors.